2 min readMay 20, 2022


An Important Clarification about Religious Mandates

In this paper, I will try to clarify a few things. Please let me know if you find my clarification useful.


Under the rule of our two-party system, the federal government has become increasingly paralyzed. None of our two parties is willing to compromise, and none can eliminate the other party on the federal level. Things are different on state level. Some states are red, others are blue. This means that the Democrats are marginalized in red states and the Republicans in blue states.

Because of the federal government’s failure to marginalize one of our two parties and act as if we had a one-party system, the states are making a comeback. The southern states, in particular, are claiming for themselves the rights that they have lost after the Civil War. They want to do what the federal government has become unable to do.

What is disturbing is that the Supreme Court seems to agree with the southern states and is ready to transfer to them the powers to decide about some ethical questions that divide the country. Ideally all those newly acquired freedoms should find their way into the Bill of Rights. But this is not possible today. America is in the process of falling back into medieval obscurantism. This is how I would sum up the feelings of many Democrats.

The other side of the coin

The Republicans are entitled to their ethical views. For them, abortion is murder and only hetero sexuality is moral. I think that in a democratic…




Born in Syria. Grew up in Lebanon. Spent 18 years in the Jesuit Order. Quit and got married. Retired in Seattle.