The Delusion Defense

2 min readAug 4, 2023

Speaking of President Trump, the delusion defense makes sense. But it might not be good enough for the legal system.

As long as we continue to worship the law as something sacred, President Trump will be in trouble. But so was the case of Jesus. He was found guilty as charged and delivered to the Roman authorities to be crucified. President Trump is likely to be crucified as well. This puts him in good company.

In our country of laws, justice is all too often sacrificed on the altar of power. The law has two sides, one is bright and the other one is dark. In the Trump case, the dark side is likely to be parading as the bright one.

I am not denying that President Trump might be guilty as charged according to the letter of the law. But I maintain that he could have been delusional, therefore not responsible for what he did. I am prepared to argue that his case can be similar to Jesus’.


Jesus was a prophet who believed in what was revealed to him. When he was at the height of his popularity in Galilee, he received an important revelation. The Temple sacrifices were about to become obsolete, and Passover will be celebrated anywhere in the world, since it was no longer linked to the Temple sacrifices. When he revealed this to the five and four thousand people who had come to listen to him, they recognized in him another Moses and wanted to make him king. But Jesus rejected the idea and lost his popularity. From that moment on, he had to act alone. He went up to Jerusalem…




Born in Syria. Grew up in Lebanon. Spent 18 years in the Jesuit Order. Quit and got married. Retired in Seattle.